Customer Story

Tyler ISD Wows Students with VR from Transfr

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Tyler Independent School District (ISD) in Tyler, TX is revolutionizing the way they build classroom-to-career pathways for students in 8th grade and high school with the help of virtual reality (VR) career exploration and VR skill training from Transfr. VR simulations amplify the capabilities of educators and career counselors, helping students get a feel for a variety of jobs — and build real skills in an exciting, engaging way. Tyler ISD is helping students prepare for well-paying careers in a fun, cost-effective way.

Stat Box
Date started: Fall 2021Careers Explored: 3,000
Groups Served: Middle and High School Students Main use case: Career exploration, skills training for job readiness
Number served: 1,000Industry focus: Manufacturing, automotive

Students are excited to use VR in class

Tyler ISD uses VR in College Career Readiness and in Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes, helping students learn about careers and build real-world skills. Students are excited and highly engaged.

"Students LOVE Transfr VR! When I arrive at school with our headsets, I get a cheer from the class. It’s something students really look forward to!"

VR enhances career readiness, skills training

The Tyler ISD team is also using manufacturing and automotive modules from the Virtual Training Facility in CTE classes, which enhances their ability to help students learn core skills in a safe VR environment, under the guidance of virtual coaches. The end result is more learning opportunities for students in CTE classes and more options for instructors.

Exploring careers, choosing pathways

Giving students access to a wide array of career options is important to helping them find the right pathways for them. Instructors say VR is helping do just that.

Transfr gives students experiences that will help them choose a path in high school. Exposure matters! Students can’t choose a career that they know nothing about. Transfr helps students understand industries and see the value in a broad range of careers.


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VR Career Exploration Reveals New Career Paths for Youths

VR Career Exploration Reveals New Career Paths for Youths