Transfr solutions for career exploration and skills development are curated by experts and align with national standards for industry skill requirements. Transfr VR learning experiences are tailored to deliver unbiased, safe, cost-effective training without compromising the training quality or need for additional resources. Transfr provides equal opportunities for everyone to learn and train for viable careers regardless of barriers to employment.. Transfr solutions are adaptive, innovative, and inclusive of the local economic demands and the ever-evolving job market.
As various industries demand skilled professionals and the imperative to keep pace with the latest technological advancements grows, Transfr offers supplementary resources to bolster their support.
Workforce development boards are dedicated to developing and managing one stop facilities for the public to access services related to career guidance and job placement. Workforce boards strive to provide job seekers with the right advice, skills and tools to be successful in their journey. Transfr actively assists workforce boards in their efforts to enhance public access to career services and skill development.
“Our experience with Transfr has been amazing! Transfr is working with our board & has given us the opportunity to go out and do something with it and it’s been a tremendous success. Seeing people’s eyes light up — children and adults — never gets old! The simulations really do give you a well-rounded idea of what it’s like to work in that field.”
– Sam Smolik
Career and Education Outreach Team, Texas Workforce Boards
At last, a training resource that impartially supports communities facing resource and geographic barriers.
Workforce boards often have limited space, facilities, funding, providers, and geographic restrictions while trying to develop a region’s talent base.. Many rural, tribal, and priority populations do not have access to all the resources they need in order to excel in their educational and/or career journey.
“Transfr has been phenomenal. It’s very new and different, an amazing innovation. We’re able to bring these simulations out into the field and show them different careers. It’s been a life-changing experience for myself, the organization, and the students. Doing career exploration via VR gives them a different perspective.”
–Luis Rodriguez
Career and Education Outreach Team, Texas Workforce Boards
Transfr solutions are designed to improve engagement with job seekers, industry partners, and CTE enrollment in your region.
“Our partnership with Transfr allows us to engage secondary students as well as adults, and share with them a vast variety of career opportunities. They’re able to explore their own pathways while leveraging relationships with the skilled trades.
The individuals that we serve get hands-on reinforcement along with their virtual reality experiences. Everyone enjoys an improved ability to choose their path as opposed to settling when it comes to making career decisions.
At the end of the day, this is a true economic development initiative.”
– Bill Monterosso, Executive Director
Workforce Development Board, Mid-Ohio Valley
On-board new workers faster
Reduced ramp-up time for new hires with local employers and increased productivity
Enhance support for learners with nontraditional needs
Individuals with nontraditional learning styles, those who may be more reserved, or individuals with traumatic backgrounds have the flexibility to review training materials as frequently as necessary without requiring additional guidance from their instructors or employers.
Simulations aligned to industry standards
Simulations provide content related to high growth, high skill careers.
Immersive learning experiences
A 10% improvement in mastery when initially learned in virtual reality (VR), virtual job exposure, and unlimited practice opportunities without additional resources for better job placements
Virtual career coaches
AI coaches lead learners through each training session, giving detailed real-time feedback. These supportive coaches are built using years of experience from human Subject Matter Experts and help learners develop confidence and competence in key workplace skills.
Transfr’s mission is to help train people from pools of undiscovered talent for well-paying jobs in high-growth industries. Our efforts support workforce boards across the country. We’re excited to learn more about each region and help you improve outcomes for your community. Connect with your region’s State Workforce Manager today to learn more.