From Skills Mastery to Jobs​

Entering a new field or leveling up in a current one always requires new skills. With Transfr, learners can explore and train for a variety of in-demand jobs in high-growth industries, opening up a world of possibilities for pools of undiscovered talent.

Person using power tools.

Career Exploration

Career Exploration with Transfr takes place in a virtual environment that helps job seekers understand their career options and get started on a path to choosing the right job for them.

Virtual Training Facility

In the Virtual Training Facility, trainees master real skills needed to get hired for well-paying jobs in a safe, supportive setting, under the expert guidance of our digital coach. 

Best of all, you can train students in a variety of fields and we bring the training facility to you!

Virtual Training Facility

In the Virtual Training Facility trainees master real skills needed to get hired for well-paying jobs in a safe, supportive setting, under the expert guidance of our digital coach. 


Best of all you can train in a variety of fields and we bring the training facility to you!

Virtual Clinic

Transfr’s healthcare modules give current and future healthcare personnel the hands-on patient care skills to begin and progress on a healthcare career pathway.
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Explore our products

Electrical Construction
Health Sciences



Transfr Trainee Experience

Transfr is Building Classroom-to-Career Pathways for Everyone

Transfr’s mission is to train the future of every industry and open up new opportunities for people across the globe. We create unique pathways to well-paying jobs available now in high-demand fields, enabling learners to find job security and upward mobility, facilitated by immersive, hands-on training.