Customer Story

Allen County Juvenile Center Inspires Change with VR

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In July 2023, Allen County Juvenile Center (ACJC), of the Allen County Juvenile Probation Department partnered with a local organization in the Fort Wayne, IN area to create access to CTE programming and upskilling to help improve employability for justice-impacted youth. The hybrid program incorporated VR and hands-on training at the Jim Kelly Career Pathway Center, part of which was provided by Jim Kelly automotive techs. It shows what can happen when local organizations invest in youth to help increase their chances of breaking the cycles of incarceration and poverty.

Stat Box
Date started: October 2022Simulations Completed: 629 sims CE sims explored; 925 VTF sims
Groups Served: High school students in juvenile facility Main use case: Career exploration, skills training for job readiness
Number served: 60 Youths

Broadening horizons with headsets at ACJC

Cheryl Bartnick has been working with justice-impacted youth for 35 years. She says VR from Transfr has allowed her students to explore local in-demand, well-paid careers. VR has also served as an incentive to increase positive behaviors.

I love working with the kids. My goal is to plant seeds of change and give kids hope that they can change and give them a reason to change.

Boys & Girls Club and Jim Kelly Career Pathway Center Support Probation Youth

Seven youth on probation with Allen County Juvenile Probation Dept opted into a VR-enhanced summer program. After successfully completing the hands-on training, graduates received certificates from a proud Judge Andrea Trevino and the CEO of Fort Wayne Boys&Girls Club. Graduates expressed having fun while learning about jobs they never knew about.

Boys & Girls Club supports probation youth

We partner with ACJC because I think that's really where the services that we provide can really make the difference.

Boys & Girls Club of Fort Wayne has been an important part of the local community since 1989. Their partnership with ACJC allows program participants to access additional resources in their communities. Mentorship and support are vital to reducing recidivism and improving quality of life for participants.


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VR Career Exploration Reveals New Career Paths for Youths

VR Career Exploration Reveals New Career Paths for Youths