Using VR to Build the Future of Manufacturing
High-tech manufacturing companies like Lucid are part of an ecosystem filled with well-paying careers that many job seekers know little about.
WDB-MOV CTE Camp Expands Horizons for High Schoolers with VR
The team at WDB-MOV supercharges their summer program with VR from Transfr.
Transfr’s Career Exploration Evolves Possibilities for Students and Job Seekers
Career exploration is part of every student and job seeker’s journey — Transfr’s new VR career exploration revolutionizes that process.
Understanding the Cost of VR Training
VR training technology opens up new possibilities for organizations of all kinds, even ones facing tight budgets.
Arkansas Efficacy Studies Show Improved Outcomes with Transfr
In 2023, Transfr partnered with three schools in Arkansas to measure student experiences with VR learning…
Transfr CEO Bharani Rajakumar’s Nontraditional Career Path — from Finance to Founder
Helping people from nontraditional backgrounds find success starts right here at Transfr with our CEO!
VR Career Exploration Benefits for Students, Job Seekers, and Educators
VR career exploration uses cutting-edge technology to help answer the age-old question “What should I do with my life?”
How VR Training Supplements Hands-on Training
VR skills training can be a powerful complement to a skilled trades program, helping shape learners’ experiences in new ways.
Using VR and AR to Change Minds about Modern Manufacturing
Manufacturing in the US is in the midst of a powerful resurgence, creating thousands of open jobs in a top industry many may have forgotten.
Transfr Press Roundup: Boys&Girls Clubs, Electrical Construction, and More
Dig into what Transfr clients are up to: Helping youth, supercharging electrician training, and exploring STEM.