Discover Immersive Career Exploration & Training 

Help students and job seekers find pathways to upward mobility through modern workforce education.

Classrooms to Careers

A Seamless Pathway from Classroom to Career

Support the entire work-based learning continuum and help every individual find a pathway to a well-paying career.

Discover Careers

Through our new web app, learners can explore 100+ careers in 16 career clusters and create plans to share with mentors.

Experience a Career

36 VR simulations enable a learner to experience a ‘day in the life’ of a career, available in English and Spanish with Closed Captioning.

Develop Core Skills

Our VR-based Skills Training maps to national standards like OSHA, NCCER and ASE for foundational skills such as Workplace Safety, Math & Measurement, and more.

Train for a Career

With 300+ VR simulations in 8 high-growth sectors, our Skills Training enhances career programs or offers turnkey Pre-Employment solutions.

Join the Workforce

With the skills and confidence to succeed, start the journey to upward mobility!

Transfr Ecosystem

Strengthening Communities Together

Transfr connects community organizations with local employers to bring impactful career exploration and training programs to youth and adults.

Building an Ecosystem to Change Lives

XR Innovations that Matter

Better Results
with XR

Better Simulation Design

Better Customer Outcomes 

48 States

1M+ Sims Experienced

50K Learners Served

830+ Implementations

Let’s Connect

Ready to learn more about how Transfr’s VR solutions can help you engage with learners and job seekers and get them on pathways to upward mobility? Fill out this form to talk to a Transfr expert.